

Darko Fritz is born 1966 in Croatia and live and work in Amsterdam and Zagreb. He is media artist, curator and graphic designer. Studied architecture at University of Zagreb and art media at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. He work with reproductive medias and technology in artistic and cultural context. Work with video since 1988 (as TV virus). First computer- generated environment in 1988. Digital photography since 1990. First attempt to webcast 1994. Founding member of artist groups Cathedral (1988), The Imitation of Life Studio (1987 – 1990), Young Croatian Electronic Films (1991) and The Future State of Balkania (1998). Involved in various on&off-line networks (Syndicate, Spectre, Nettime, …). He curated exhibitions ‘Culture of graphic design in the Netherlands’ (1999), ‘I am Still Alive’ (internet art and computer art fom sixties, 2000), CLUB.NL (art and art networks from the Netherlands, 2000), ‘Lights from Zagreb’ (interactive light installations, 2001) and <dis.location> (2003). He wrote a first overview of media art in Croatia (since 1960s) as editor for web portal (from 2001).
