All Events 08:28 AM at 08:28 AM
Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb, Croatia

If we really want to reshape our urban way of life on a sustainable and ecological basis, we will have to take tangible measures. But how and where can we create green oases in the concrete jungles of our towns? On the window ledge, the balcony or the rooftop?

The multimedia artist and activist Annemie Maes will give us some answers and practical tips. She has long been involved in eco-technologies and grass-roots activism. In 2004, she and Guy van Belle set up OKNO, an artists collective that aims to develop innovative cultural projects linking art and technology. For example: Connected Open Greens – the outskirts of town where culture and nature can come together symbiotically, where regenerative energy technologies meet traditional gardening and where art projects might make new biotopes. The question is this: to what extent can new organisms, new surroundings and new landscapes be generated by merging the artificial with the natural?

OKNO members operate two Open Green Rooftop Gardens in Brussels. They observe and record the growth, flowering and decay of plants as well as providing a habitat for insects and keeping bee colonies.
In Zagreb, Annemie Maes will be talking about the Connected Open Greens project, one feature of which is urban bee-keeping.