All Event Events Presentation 12:00 PM at 12:00 PM
Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb



15.11.2014 at Hacklab01, Pierottijeva11, Zagreb

Upgrade! Zagreb will present the project Anticancer garden. Anticancer garden is an interdisciplinary pilot project, which rests on three existing project. The first project is the work of Professor. Zeljko Sobotka, the founder of the Natural History Society herb, another project is an online database of doctor from India, Anusha Bhaskar, Cancer Plants Database, while the third project of deceased professor of new media Beatriz da Costa and its associates, Anti-Cancer Survival Kit . Visitors will be introduced to  the  project, and on this occasion to flick through the base of plants and become familiar with their medicinal properties that help us heal, detoxify and restore balance in the body.   Upgrade!Zagreb će prezentirati projekt Anti-kancerogeni vrt Antikancerogeni vrt je interdisciplinarni pilot projekt, koji se u nekoliko crta naslanja na tri već postojeća projekta. Prvi projekt je rad prof. Željka Sobotke, osnivača Prirodoslovnog društva Ljekovita biljka, drugi projekt je online databaza doktorice iz Indije, Anushe Bhaskar, Cancer Plants Databasem, dok je treći projekt Anti-cancer Survival Kit preminule profesorice novih medija Beatriz da Costa i njenih suradnika, Anti-cancer Survival Kit. Posjetitelji će biti upoznati sa detaljima projekta, te tom prilikom prolistati kroz bazu biljaka i upoznati se s njihovim ljekovitim svojstvima koji nam pomažu pri iscjeljenju, detoksikaciji i vraćanju ravnoteže u tijelo.